

Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) was founded as an honor society at Texas A&M University in 1967, at the request of the Computing Science students. Most of the original concept and design of UPE is the result of the effort of these students who were highly motivated with the desire to recognize outstanding scholastic and professional achievements in the Computing and Information Disciplines[UPE is a non-profit corporation under 501(c)3 of the IRS Code; is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS); the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES); and is recognized as the honor society for the computing and information disciplines by the ACM and the IEEE-CS]

.  Name and Mission of UPE

SECTION 1. The name of this nonprofit corporation shall be Upsilon Pi Epsilon, hereafter referred to as “UPE.”

SECTION 2. The mission of UPE shall be the recognition and promotion of high scholarship and original investigations in the several branches of the Computing and Information Disciplines.

ARTICLE II.  Organization of UPE

SECTION 1. UPE shall consist of Chapters that have been, or shall be, established in institutions of higher learning which award undergraduate and/or graduate degrees in areas that are related to the Computing and Information Disciplines. The first Chapter in each state shall be designated by the Greek letter Alpha, the second by Beta, and so on following the name of the state where the chapter is located.

SECTION 2. The general government of UPE shall be vested in the Convention (see Article III, Section 4) and in the Board of Directors, hereafter called the Executive Council or the Council, in accordance with the provisions beginning with ARTICLE III.

SECTION 3. The physical location of the international headquarters of UPE shall be determined by the Executive Council.

ARTICLE III.  Corporate Governance of UPE

SECTION 1; Primary officers of UPE shall include the following: Five elected Executive Council members (which shall include the International President and an ex-officio member), and the Executive Director.  Corporate affairs of UPE shall be in the hands of the Executive Director with adherence to the provisions of the UPE Constitution and By-Laws.

SECTION 2. The UPE Executive Council

The Executive Council of UPE shall consist of individuals who are active members of UPE.

(a) The Executive Council shall consist of six persons: Four voting members who are elected by the Convention, the Executive Director who shall also have one vote, and one non-voting, ex-officio member. Except for the Executive Director, all other members of the Executive Council shall serve without salary simultaneously for a period of five years, or until their successors take office. The ex-officio member shall be the most recent past International President who has completed a five-year term of office. Subsequent to elections in 2007, no Council member will be allowed to serve more than one five-year term without sitting out a minimum of one year before reconsideration.

(b) With the exception of the Executive Director, the nomination of one proposed Executive Council member may be made by any Chapter, and shall be submitted to the Executive Council preceding the Convention.  See Section 5(b).

(c) In submitting nominations, a Chapter shall vouch for the willingness of its nominees to serve actively on the Executive Council, if elected.

(d) The new Executive Council member shall take office upon adjournment of the Convention.

(e) The Executive Council shall name its own officers. It shall have sole authority to name the International President.  It shall also have sole authority to fill the position of the Executive Director, determine the length of appointment of the Executive Director, and also determine his/her compensation.  The Executive Council shall have sole authority to remove the Executive Director for just cause. The Executive Council shall also have the authority to fill any vacancy on Council as might occur due to unforeseen or unanticipated circumstances.  Such situations might include (but are not limited to) illness of a Council member, resignation of a Council member, removal of a Council member, or lack of a new, suitable candidate at an annual election.  Duration of this appointment shall be one year. 

(f) The Executive Director shall not participate in Executive Council discussions on matters related to the compensation of the Executive Director, or when Council is discussing the performance of the Executive Director.

(g) Executive Council meetings shall include the Alumni Representative and other individuals deemed appropriate by the Executive Council.

SECTION 3. The Convention and the Executive Council shall have control of all matters and affairs pertaining to UPE as a whole, but shall not interfere with the internal affairs of any Chapter, except in matters of discipline as hereinafter provided.

SECTION 4. The UPE Convention

(a) The Convention shall meet annually except as provided in Sections 5 and 6 . Each Chapter may be represented by one or more delegates to the Convention and, if represented, shall have one vote. The Members of the Executive Council, and other officers later deemed necessary, if present, shall each be entitled to one vote. Representatives of a majority of the Chapters or 80% of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum

(b) The Convention may establish in the Bylaws a provision for an annual pro rata Convention assessment sufficient to accumulate a Convention Fund to permit occasional Conventions at points not centrally located.

SECTION 5 Officers of the Convention

(a) The Convention shall elect its own officers and may adopt rules for the conduct of its business and such other matters as may properly come within its jurisdiction and are not hereinafter set forth.

(b) Except for the position of Executive Director, it shall elect the Members of the Executive Council, as hereinafter provided, and fill vacancies for the remainder of the Council Member’s term of office.

(c) It shall consider and vote on the abolishment of Chapters and matters of discipline presented to it by the Executive Council.

(d) It shall levy such assessments upon the Chapters as may be necessary for its own support and that of the Executive Council.

(e) It may fix the time and place of the Convention up to two years in advance.
See Sections 6 (h) and (i)

(f) It shall be the final Court of Appeals in all questions of interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws and in all matters of discipline.

(g) It may enact general Bylaws for UPE.

(h) It may amend the Constitution and Bylaws subject to Article XIII.

(i) No Chapter or delegate shall be allowed to vote by proxy.

SECTION 6.  Other Functions of the Executive Council

(a) The Executive Council shall have power to fill all Council vacancies until the next regular Convention.

(b) It shall keep the official copies of the Constitution and the Rituals, the seal of UPE, and all official documents belonging to UPE.

(c) It shall issue Charters and exact copies of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Rituals to new Chapters.

(d) It shall issue to chapters a certificate of membership, a UPE identification number, and a UPE memorabilia for each of its newly elected members.

(e) It shall determine and collect, through the Executive Director, all assessments, member fees, fines, and dues levied by the Convention, Constitution, and Bylaws. It shall have authority to impose and determine annual dues to active members of UPE.

(f) It shall disburse, invest, and administer, through the Executive Director, all funds of UPE, both general and special, in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and the Acts of the Conventions, and shall administer all gifts, bequests, and endowments in accordance with their provisions.

(g) It shall review and approve the annual budget of UPE; and shall have sole authority to review and audit UPE finances.

(h) It shall issue all catalogs and publications of UPE and such other documents and periodicals as may be ordered by the Convention, Constitution, and Bylaws.

(i) It may call a special Convention for a specific cause. Immediately upon receipt of a written petition from a majority of the Chapters, it shall issue a call for the Convention to meet at a convenient place as soon as feasible.

(j) It may change the time and place of the meeting of the regular Convention, and may suspend the meeting of the same for a period not to exceed one year, provided that the written consent of two-thirds of the Chapters shall be obtained to any postponement exceeding two months.
(k ) It shall have general supervision of all publications of UPE and shall have power to pay all expenses incurred in their preparation and publication.

(l ) It shall make an annual report in writing through the International President to the Convention, of its various activities during the preceding year. See Bylaw II, Section 4.

ARTICLE IV.  Other Officials of UPE

SECTION 1. There may be an officer known as the Alumni Representative. He/she shall be elected by the Executive Council on nomination by an alumnus. His/her term of office shall be for five years and shall begin after the Executive Council’s annual meeting. His/her duties shall be to stimulate and maintain interest and support for Upsilon Pi Epsilon, encourage the formation of “At Large” Chapters, and represent the alumni at the Convention and before the Executive Council.

SECTION 2. The elected officers of UPE shall serve without salary, but may have their expenses for transportation, lodging, food and other related travel expenses paid by the UPE when traveling on its behalf by the instruction of the Executive Council.

ARTICLE V.  UPE Chapters

SECTlON 1. Chapters shall be either Regular or “At Large” Chapters.

SECTION 2. The active membership of any Regular Chapter shall consist of all members, either by Chapter initiation or by transfer, who are in regular attendance in college, and such Alumni Members as have expressed in writing to the President of the Chapter their desire either to continue, or to assume, the responsibilities of active membership, and have been formally accepted by the Chapter. All active members of a Chapter shall pay the same dues.

SECTION 3. An Alumnus/alumna Member of a Chapter may retain his/her active membership in his/her Chapter until he/she leaves college or relinquishes it by resigning as an active member.

SECTION 4. An “At Large” Chapter shall be made up of members of UPE who are no longer at their respective college or university and have the desire to maintain their ties to UPE through an At Large chapter. See Article XIV for more details on At Large chapters.

ARTICLE VI.  Establishment of Regular Chapters

SECTION 1. Chapters of Upsilon Pi Epsilon shall be established, maintained or reactivated only in colleges or universities that grant the baccalaureate degree or higher and that are accredited by the appropriate national or regional accrediting agency.  

SECTION 2. A Regular Chapter shall be abolished and a Charter withdrawn, only by a three-fourths majority of the total accredited votes of the Convention, taken by written ballot, except in the event that the institution where the chapter is established loses its accreditation, in which case the chapter charter shall be withdrawn automatically.

SECTION 3. A petition for the establishment of a Regular Chapter may be made by faculty, students and graduates of any college or university who are eligible under Article VIII, Sections 2 and 4. In preliminary form it shall be addressed to the Executive Council of UPE. It shall set forth the desires of the petitioners and shall pledge their willingness to subscribe to and obey the Constitution and Bylaws of UPE. It shall contain a certified statement from the authorities of the institution of the eligibility under the Constitution of each of the petitioners. See Bylaw IV.

SECTION 4. Charters for new chapters will be granted only upon approval of 2/3 of all voting members of the Executive Council.

SECTION 5. Approval of New Chapters

(a) When a petition is approved according to the procedures in Article VI, Section 3, the Executive Council shall prepare the Charter and appropriate documents and shall proceed, in person if feasible, or appoint a deputation to take these documents, initiate the new members, and shall install the petitioners according to the Rituals and Ceremonies of UPE.

(b) The permanent, embossed copy of the Charter, when received, shall be carefully preserved by the Officers of the Chapter and may be suitably displayed for public viewing.

(c) Approved chapters are expected to pay a one-time “new chapter” fee as determined by the Executive Council. This fee shall be sufficient to cover the cost of all new chapter memorabilia as well as the travel expenses of the Executive Council representative who shall be assigned to charter the new chapter.

SECTION 6. “At Large” Chapters may be established as provided for in Article XIV.

SECTION 7:  “Inactive Chapters”

(a) A regular chapter shall be considered “inactive” if that chapter does not initiate members and remit their member dues to the UPE Headquarters for a period of five years or longer.  The Convention has the option to abolish “inactive” chapters and remove them from the list of UPE chapters associated with each state.

 (b) “Inactive” chapters shall have the option to become “active” chapters by submitting a formal request to the Executive Director.  Requests to re-activate an “inactive” chapter must be approved by the Executive Council.  The Executive Council has the option to require that a UPE Executive Council member be present at the next initiation ceremony of said chapter.  Travel expenses for the Executive Council member to attend this ceremony must be fully covered by the re-activated chapter.

ARTICLE VII. Government of Regular Chapters

SECTION 1. Subject to this Constitution and Bylaws of UPE, each Chapter shall have full control of its individual affairs. It may enact Bylaws for its own guidance in all matters not herein fully set forth.

SECTION 2. The duties of the different officers of a Chapter shall be those usually performed by persons holding such offices and as the Bylaws of UPE and of the chapter shall direct.

SECTION 3. No member of a Chapter shall be allowed to vote by proxy.

ARTICLE VIII.  Membership

SECTION 1. UPE shall consist of members and honorary members.

SECTION 2. The membership of UPE shall consist of: (1.) graduate students; (2.) undergraduate students, who were elected according to Article IX of this Constitution; (3.) individuals who are affiliated with institutions of learning where Chapters are located, in some capacity other than that of a registered student, and (4.) individuals of recognized ability in their respective branches of the Computing and Information Disciplines but who are not classified in any of the former categories. These elections should include only individuals who are making note-worthy contributions to the Computing and Information Disciplines and whose character, reputation and influence would be a distinct asset to UPE.

SECTION 3. Honorary members shall be individuals of recognized reputation and of high attainments.

SECTION 4. Eligibility for membership shall not be limited by race, color, creed, age or sex.

SECTION 5. A member of any Chapter who may change residence shall have the right to affiliate with any other Chapter if information from his/her own Chapter or from the Executive Director certifies him/her to be a member in good standing. Any such member shall have the privilege of becoming a Charter Member of a new Chapter, if invited to do so by the petitioning group. (See Constitution-Article X. Section 4 (c).)

SECTION 6. Resigning from UPE

(a) Any member desiring to resign his membership in UPE shall do so in writing to the Executive Council through the local Chapter Secretary, at the same time surrendering his/her certificate and key.

(b) The executive Council shall have the power to act upon such resignation.

SECTION 7. If any member of UPE, or whatever classification, shall use his/her membership in an unethical way, the Executive Council shall have the power to take such action as it may see fit.

(a) A unanimous vote of the Executive Council shall be required for action in such cases.

(b) This may be appealed to the International Convention and repealed by a three-fourths vote of those present and entitled to vote.

ARTICLE IX.  Election of UPE Members

SECTION 1. Each Chapter shall have a Committee on Eligibility whose duty it shall be to ascertain, prior to an election, the scholarship ratings and any other desirable information concerning prospective candidates.

SECTION 2. Chapters may hold as many elections and initiations each year as may be deemed expedient by the Chapter Officers and the Committee on Eligibility.

SECTION 3.  Eligibility of UPE Member Candidates

(a) The basis of eligibility shall be primarily the scholarship rating of the candidate, which shall be determined by averaging scholastic grades on a credit-hour basis and computed in terms of grade points as prescribed by Bylaw VII provided, however, that if a Chapter employs a method of computing the scholarship rating other than that prescribed in Bylaw VII, the rating shall be equivalent to at least 3.0/4.0 as herein provided.

(b) Candidates for student membership in UPE shall be chosen from those who are pursuing degrees in the computing and information disciplines.

(c) Undergraduate Students. To be eligible for election to membership, undergraduate students must rank in the upper 35% of the class and shall have attained a general scholarship rating, in all college work thus far completed, of not less than 3.0/4.0 grade-points provided (1.) that candidates in any particular academic level who satisfy the requirements of Article VIII, Section 2, (2.) that the candidate shall have completed at least 45 (Forty Five) semester hours of college work including fifteen (15) semester hours or twenty-three (23) quarter hours in the basic courses in the Computing and Information Disciplines to be eligible under this Section. The Chapter shall have the right to set any limit above this minimum attainment as a basis for eligibility.

(d) Undergraduate transfer students. Undergraduate upper-division students transferring to the Chapter location from another institution must rank in the upper 35% of the class and shall have been in residence at least one year at the Chapter location at the time they are considered for election unless they transfer at the beginning of their senior year, in which case they may be considered for election after one semester (or two quarters) of residence. In such cases the scholarship rating shall be computed on the basis of only those courses of college grade, which shall include some basic courses in the Computing and Information Disciplines taken at the institution where the Chapter is located, and the minimum scholarship rating shall be 3.0/4.0 grade points provided, however, that the candidate shall have completed at least fifteen (15) semester hours or twenty-three (23) quarter hours in the basic courses in the Computing and Information Disciplines to be eligible under this section. The Chapter may set any limit above this minimum as a basis for eligibility. In case the undergraduate transfer came from an institution where there is a Chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon inquiry should be made of the Chapter as to the reason for his/her failure of election to membership at that institution. (See Bylaw VII, Section 5)

(e) Graduate Students. In order to be eligible for election such graduate students shall have been in graduate residence at the current institution at least one semester (or two quarters) and shall have completed at least one-half of the number of semester-hours of graduate work normally required for the master’s degree, with a scholarship rating of at least 3.5/4.0. (The foregoing shall constitute the basis of computation, irrespective of the graduate degree sought by the candidate.) A student in the process of completing the above requirements may be elected to membership in the second semester or third quarter providing the Chapter Committee on Eligibility shall have reasonable assurance from the candidate’s instructors and research director that his/her scholastic standing is above the minimum requirements of UPE. The Chapter shall have the right to set any limit above this minimum as a basis for determining eligibility. The scholarship record may be supplemented by information from the candidate’s director of research as to the quality of his performance, if such research is already in progress. A student who was invited to join UPE as an undergraduate may be re-invited as a first semester graduate student if his undergraduate scholarship rating was at least 3.5/4.0.

(f) This section applies to graduate students who did not qualify as undergraduates, either at the institution where they are now registered or at some other institution where a Chapter of UPE is located; also to those who have done graduate work at another Chapter location. The requirements as to the major subject, and the quantity and quality of academic course work accomplished by the candidate shall be the same as those set forth in the preceding paragraph. The Chapter shall have the right to set any limit above this minimum as a basis of determining eligibility. In all cases of this kind the Committee on Eligibility should make inquiry of the Chapter at the institution previously attended as to the reason for his failure of election to membership at that institution (see Bylaw VII, Section 5).

(g) Faculty. (1.) This section includes persons specified under Article VIII, Section 2.3 of this Constitution who are members of the faculties of programs that are related to the Computing and Information Disciplines or other allied computer fields. (2.) In order to be eligible for membership, such faculty members shall have been in full time employ of the current institution for at least one-half year and in responsible charge of some of the undergraduate or graduate courses or important research work of the institution. (3.) Eligibility of a faculty member shall be based mainly upon his/her present achievements as denoted by his/her degrees, rank, publications, high standards of scholarship maintained in classes or research work, honors and membership in other societies, and potential future interests in our Association.

(h) Students of neighboring schools. Eligible students from a neighboring institution may be elected to membership in a Chapter of UPE under the following conditions: (1) the institution must meet all requirements for establishment of a Chapter (Article II, Section 1) with the exception of having a sufficient number of eligible students to support an active Chapter; (2) the candidates must meet the same eligibility requirements as other Chapter members (Article IX, Section 3); (3) the initiating Chapter must be the Chapter located most closely geographically to the neighboring institution; (4) the vote shall be based upon the recommendations of three faculty members, preferably members of UPE, at the neighboring institution.

SECTION 4. The election of all members shall be by a secret ballot.

SECTION 5. Alumni of an institution who graduated before a Chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon was established and who would have been eligible for membership under provisions of Article V, Section 2: Article VIII, Section 2 and Article IX, Section 3, of this Constitution; had the Chapter existed prior to their graduation shall be eligible for election to membership, provided at the time of graduation their scholarship record meets the requirements of the above provisions and that at the time of their election they may be actively interested in and engaged in computer work.

(a) The election of any members nominated under this classification shall occur according to the procedure prescribed in Sections 3 and 4 of this Article. Such members shall pay the fees and be initiated according to the ritual as required of members elected while in residence.

(b) To limit the provisions of this Section, no candidate shall be eligible for election to membership if more than three years have elapsed since his/her graduation, except as provided in Article VIII, Section 2 of this Constitution.

SECTION 6. International Honorary Members.

(a) Honorary Members shall be nominated by a Committee on Honorary Membership appointed by the International President.

(b) The nominations of the Committee on Honorary Membership shall be submitted to the Executive Council for election. When a name is not unanimously approved by the Committee on Honorary Membership, a statement to this effect shall accompany the proceeding by which it is submitted to the Executive Council. A three-fourths majority of the Council shall be required for election of Honorary Membership.

SECTION 7. All members shall be notified at least three days in advance of meetings called for election of new members or of Chapter Officers, or for taking official action on important local business or voting on official proceedings from UPE Headquarters.

ARTICLE X.   Initiation

SECTION 1. The Chapter Secretary shall notify all candidates in writing with respect to their election as soon thereafter as possible.


(a) Charter Members shall be initiated during the installation ceremonies of a new Chapter. If for any reason it is impossible for a Charter Member to attend the installation, arrangements should be made for his/her initiation at a later date either by the home Chapter or by some Chapter in the vicinity of his/her residence at that time. Should a Charter Member reside too far from the home Chapter or other Chapter location to make it possible for him/her to be initiated at a regular Chapter initiation, special arrangements for initiation in absentia may be made through the office of the Executive Director. In such case the initiate shall be required to sign his/her acceptance of formal membership in UPE and the candidate must certify that he/she has read the UPE Constitution. The signed acceptance shall be forwarded to the home Chapter for inclusion in the Chapter records.

(b) Honorary Members shall be initiated with due regard for their status.


(a) Each candidate initiated, whatever his/her status, shall receive a membership Certificate, UPE carat-clad keypin and a UPE identification number.  The certificate must be signed by the International President, the Executive Director, Chapter President and Chapter Adviser and impressed with the official Seal of UPE.

(b) Each candidate shall, before his/her initiation, be required to read the International Constitution and Bylaws of UPE.

SECTION 4. Initiates shall be certified by the Executive Director only upon the receipt of the full names of new member candidates and remittance in full for all fees and charges have been received by the UPE Headquarters. Membership fees shall be set by the Executive Council.

(a) There shall be no initiation fee for International Honorary Members.

(b) UPE shall pay for keys and certificates, mounted in suitable frames, presented to International Honorary Members.

(c) No additional initiation fee shall be charged any member of UPE who, subsequent to his/her first initiation, is invited to become a Charter Member of a new Chapter.

SECTION 5. Any candidate who has met the requirements for membership and has been duly elected, but is financially unable at the time to pay the fees for initiation, shall be eligible for initiation at any future date; provided, however, that after his/her election, he/she shall have maintained a creditable record in scholarship or research in the Computing and Information Sciences. Initiation shall in such cases require special Chapter decision, based upon careful investigation of each case.

ARTICLE XI.  Fellowships and Awards

SECTION 1. If deemed desirable, in the future, there shall be created and established a fellowship fund with the object of advancing the interest of the Computing and Information Disciplines, of stimulating research study and investigations, by providing financial aid to deserving members of UPE, selected on the basis of all-around accomplishment, future promise, and financial need.  The Executive Council has the option to award scholarship to members and present special awards including, but not limited to, the ABACUS Award.

ARTICLE XII.  Discipline

SECTION 1. The method of discipline of a Chapter shall be suspension or by the annulment of its Charter.


(a) If any Chapter shall be reported in writing to the Executive Council, or to the Convention, by three Chapters, as having acted in a manner contrary to the Constitution or prejudicial to the interests of UPE, it may be required to show cause to the Executive Council why it should not be deprived of the enjoyment of its rights and privileges, and why its Charter should not be suspended, until the next Convention. The Executive Council may in its judgment suspend the Charter of such a Chapter and shall present at the next regular Convention the complaint against the Chapter and the Chapter’s reply. The Chapter shall have the right to be heard by the Convention and have its official delegate-member and other members plead its cause. The Charter of the Chapter may be suspended, or annulled, or restored to the Chapter by action of the Convention by a three-fourths vote, taken by roll-call, of those present and entitled to vote. In case of continued suspension, the Chapter shall be called at the next Convention to show reason why its Charter should not be annulled. At this time, the Convention shall either annul the Chapter’s Charter, or restore the Charter to the Chapter with full rights and privileges.

(b) Suspension shall entail such penalties as are deemed appropriate by the Executive Council, subject to review by the next Convention.

SECTION 3. The methods of discipline of a member shall be by either suspension or expulsion.


(a) For continued and inexcusable absence from the meetings of the Chapter, for non-attendance to his/her assigned or elected duties to the Chapter, for moral delinquency, for inexcusable failure to meet his/her financial obligations to the Chapter, or for other just cause, after a fair trial and upon the recommendations of a majority of the active members of the Chapter, the Chapter may suspend a member.

(b) A member shall be suspended for a specified time, not to exceed one year. At the end of the time specified, the Chapter shall make recommendations to the Executive Council either to reinstate the member, or to expel him. The Executive Council shall then either reinstate or expel the member.

(c) A member may appeal his/her case from the decision of the Executive Council to the next regular Convention of UPE and the member shall have the right to be heard by the Convention and to plead his/her own cause. The action of the Convention shall be final.

(d) Suspension shall entail the following: (1) Loss of voting privileges. (2) Provision by the Chapter of opportunity for the individual to demonstrate his/her desire to be reinstated.SECTION 5. A uniform system of fines shall be established and these fines shall be assessed against, and paid by, every Chapter guilty of inexcusable acts or of lateness or neglect to make reports to the Executive Council of UPE, as prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws.

. Amendments

SECTION 1. An amendment to the Constitution may be presented to the Convention and, if approved by a three-fourths vote of those present and entitled to vote, shall then be submitted to Chapters and shall become effective only when ratified by three-fourths of the Chapters by a three-fourths vote of the total active membership of each Chapter.

SECTI ON 2. An amendment to the Constitution may also be proposed at any time by the Executive Council, and shall become effective only when ratified by three-fourths of the chapters who turn in their votes.

SECTION 3. Any Chapter that fails to report its vote to the Executive Council within six weeks, between the times of mailing and return of the ballot, not counting regular college vacation, shall forfeit its vote.

SECTION 4. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be reported by the Executive Council of UPE to each Chapter of UPE and shall then become the law of UPE.

ARTICLE XIV.  At Large Chapters

SECTION 1. Composition of an At-Large Chapter

(a) At Large Chapters shall consist of members of Upsilon Pi Epsilon and may be chartered by the Executive Council when application is made in writing by at least ten members of UPE living in a city or its vicinity, and upon payment to UPE of the New Chapter fee.

(b) The Chapter shall be known by the name of the city in which it is located.

(c) The annual dues of an At Large Chapter to UPE shall be the prevailing new member fee, payable on the first day of January.

SECTION 2. At-Large Chapter Representative at UPE Convention

(a) Each At Large Chapter may be represented by one or more delegates at the annual Convention and, if represented, it shall have one vote in the Convention, provided that the At Large Chapter has paid its annual dues to UPE. A delegate from an At Large Chapter shall represent that Chapter only.

(b) The expenses of the delegate of an At Large Chapter to the Convention shall not be paid by UPE.

SECTION 3. The Chapter shall be self-governing as long as it does not conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of UPE.

SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the members of each At Large Chapter to continue to uphold the principles and ideals of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, to advance the causes of the Computing and Information Disciplines profession, and to be of service to local members of UPE and to the membership of neighboring Chapters.

ARTICLE XV.   Meetings

SECTION 1. Each Chapter may arrange for and hold such meetings as it desires, but at least one business meeting and one general meeting of a social, literary, or technical character shall be held each term, quarter, or semester, except in the summer, in addition to the meetings held for the consideration, election and initiation of candidates for membership.

ARTICLE XVI.  Enactment

SECTION 1. This Constitution and the Bylaws submitted herewith, having been ratified by the three-fourths vote of the Chapters by a three-fourths vote of the active membership of each Chapter, and the three-fourths vote of the Convention, became effective and the law of UPE on October 1, 1973.Modified: 1984

Modified: 2007 (Articles III, VI, and IX)